All these opportunities are FREE unless noted. Todos estos eventos son gratuitos excepto donde se indique.


In most cases, you must register if registration information is provided.


When other events are announced they will be posted with these at:


Opioid Overdose & Naloxone Education Training

Be prepared for an overdose! Learn how to administer naloxone, and what to do afterward.  Receive supplies.



Opioid Overdose and Naloxone EducationTraining — in Spanish

Entrenamiento Narcan

Jueves, 16 de febrero, 6-7 pm

Aprenda qué hacer en una situación de sobredosis, cómo administrar naloxona y qué hacer después. Se pueden proporcionar suministros.



Scholarship for Student with Foster Care Experience

Students who are pursuing post-secondary education can apply for the $1,800 Harris K. Leonard Memorial Scholarship.

Apply by February 12:


OAR Scholarships for Autistic Students

Applications are being accepted for $3,000 scholarships for a wide variety of full-time post-secondary educational programs.

Apply by April 22:


Plan Ahead — Dads Parenting Group

Tuesdays, Feb. 6 to Apr. 25, 6:00-8:30 pm

Hone your Father Skills by meeting with other Dads to focus on self-awareness, self-care, parenting skills and relationships.



Plan Ahead — Chat with an Attorney about Special Education

Wed. Feb. 21. 9:00 am–3:30 pm, 3060 Williams Dr. #300


Free 45-minute appointments are available for parents to receive guidance from an attorney on special education topics. 



IEP University (IEPU) — Self-Paced Course

Mon. Feb. 5 to Mon. Feb. 26, with access 24/7

Get accurate and useful information about IEP development and meetings including many practical strategies. 



Fairfax Academy Open House

Tue. Feb. 6, 6:30-7:30 pm, 

Learn about career and technical education classes in fashion, game design, languages, marketing, music tech, and photography.



From Referral to Eligibility — in Spanish

De la referencia a la eligibilidad

Martes, 6 de febrero, 6:30-8:00 pm

Conozca las etapas iniciales de la educación especial en Virginia.



Gender and Autism

Wed. Feb. 7, 1 pm

Learn about emerging research on the factors hindering the identification of autistic females.



Special Education Series — In Spanish

Serie de Educación Especial

Martes o jueves, 7 y 22 febrero,  5 y 14 marzo, y 16 abril, a 6:30-8:00 pm

Conozca todas las características principales del proceso de educación especial en Virginia. Regístrese para una o más presentaciones.



Anatomy of an IEP

Wed. Feb. 7, 6:30-7:30 pm

Learn about the sequence and contents of the separate sections of an Individualized  Educational Plan.



FCCPTA Meeting with School Board Meet and Greet

Wed. Feb. 7, 7-9 pm, 8115 Gatehouse Rd. Falls Church

The FCCPTA business meeting will be followed by an opportunity to meet with 6 new and 6 returning school board members.

Register by Mon. Feb. 5:


FASD and Law Enforcement: Moving from a Reactive to a Proactive Focus

Wed. Feb.7, 7-8 pm:

Consider how to decrease the chance of an arrest and how to ensure the disability is known.



Lunch. Learn. Inspire.

Thu. Feb. 8, 11 am-1 pm

Share challenges you’ve noticed for someone with a developmental disability and benefit from the ensuing discussion.



Squeezed in the Sandwich Generation:  How to Manage ADHD in Yourself, Your Children, and Your Elderly Parents

Thu. Feb. 8. 1 pm, with replay access

Consider strategies and tools to mitigate the challenges and how self-compassion can lead to more effective coping.



Discussing the Continuum of Collegiate Support and Asking the Right Questions

Thu. Feb. 8, 7:00-8:30 pm

Consider how to find out about the types of support at various colleges and how to access those supports.



Talk Saves Lives:  An Introduction to Suicide Prevention

Thu. Feb. 8, 7-8 pm

Suicide can be prevented. Learn how to recognize common risk factors and warning signs and how to respond. 



Neurodiversity on Campus

Fri. Feb. 9,  3 - 4 pm

Consider the challenges of neurodiversity and strategies for meeting those challenges on campus.



Youth Mental Health First Aid — Course for Adults

Fri. Feb. 9, 8:30 am-3:30 pm, 2334 Gallows Rd. Dunn Moring

Learn the risk factors and warning signs of mental health challenges in youth, their potential impact, and how to respond.



Individual Education Programs (IEP) 101:  Empowering You to Get the Educational Programming, Accommodations, and Supports Your Child Needs

Sat. Feb. 10, 10 am-1 pm, 6140 Rolling Rd. West Springfield

Parents of Autistic Children will host a panel of parents and experts on parental rights, behaviors, goals, and other IEP issues.

Questions? Email:


ReelAbilities Film & Discussion:  Being Michelle

Sat. Feb. 10, 1-4, 10467 White Granite Dr. Oakton  $ varies

A deaf autistic woman survives incarceration with the help of a blind life coach who teaches at the prison. (ASL & English)



ReelAbilities Film: Upside Down

Sun. Feb. 11, 1 pm, 6500 Westbury Oaks Ct. Springfield

A 19-yr. old with Down syndrome chooses to work with a boxing trainer to the dismay of his protective father. $ varies



Sensory Friendly Hours at the National Children’s Museum

Feb. 11, 9:30-11:30 am, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. Wash. DC

The museum will provide expanded accessibility, lower guest numbers, and pre-visit guides.  $19



Is Your Child a Victim of Bullying? — In Spanish

¿Es su hijo víctima de acoso escolar?

Viernes, 12 de febrero, 6:30-7:30 pm

Aprender cómo identificar y prevenir el acoso, hablar con sus hijos sobre el acoso y cómo obtener ayuda cuando sea necesario.



Transition University — Self-Paced Course of 5 Sessions

Mon. Feb. 12 to Wed. April 3, with access 24/7

Learn about the many options to maximize your child’s independence and quality of life when they age out of school. 



How to ADHD: An Insider’s Guide to Working with Your ADHD Brain (Not Against It!) 

Tue. Feb. 13, 1 pm, with replay link

The author will discuss topics from her book, such as attending to time, improving sleep, and the cost of not treating ADHD.



Loving Formed Families Forward - Virtual Open House

Tue. Feb. 13, 1:00-1:45 pm

Join the staff and special guests for an overview of services and support for foster, adoptive, and kinship families.



SSI and VA’s Medicaid Waivers

Tue. Feb. 13, 5-7 pm

Learn how to use these important benefits which can be tricky to navigate.



Teaching Self-Help and Independent Skills

Wed. Feb. 14, 10:00-11:20 am, OR 7:00-8:30 pm

This training is for FCPS families of children with a developmental or intellectual disability.



Connecting the Dots: Transition to Adulthood

Thu. Feb. 15, 6-7 pm

Learn about the many aspects of training, internships, and job placement at the Wilson Workforce Rehabilitation Center (WWRC).



From Inclusion to Belonging Conference

Sat. Feb. 17, 8:30 am-3:00 pm, Potomac Shores, VA

Keynote and breakout sessions focused on supporting mental health for those with DD/IDD. 

$ varies



FCPS Spring Village Construction Site Open House

Sat. Feb. 17, noon-2 pm, Springfield 

Working with professional sub-contractors students gain in-depth experience building single-family homes.



Summer Camp Presentation by Fairfax County Park Authority

Tue. Feb. 20, 7-9 pm

After a short business meeting, the Special Education PTA (SEPTA) will host a presentation on summer camps.



Transition Lunch & Learn

Wed. Feb. 21, noon-1:30 pm

Plan for the transition to adult services by learning about supports for employment, transportation, recreation, and day services.  



Measurable IEP Goals
Wed. Feb. 21, 6:30-8:00 pm

Learn about the benefits of high expectations, what are measurable goals, and why monitoring progress is so important.



Strengths of the Dyslexic Mind

Wed. Feb. 21, 7 pm

Co-authors of The Dyslexic Advantage will discuss their perspectives of the strengths developed in some cases of dyslexia.



ReelAbilities Film: Imperfect    $ varies

Wed. Feb. 21, 8 pm, 2310 Colts Neck Rd. Reston

Follow the lives of an award-winning theater group with disabilities doing a production of Chicago.


Using Sensory Integration Strategies to Increase Understanding and Peace at Home

Thu. Feb. 22, 1:00-2:30 pm, with extended access 

Learn how understanding and using the sensory system can help kids and families stay calm and connected.

Register:  Coupon Code: SENSORY


Anatomy of an IEP  In Spanish

Anatomía de un IEP

Jueves, 22 de febrero, 6:30-8:00 pm

Conozca la secuencia y contenidos de los distintos apartados de un Plan Educativo Individualizado (IEP).



How to Handle Disappointing Grades: Ways to Uncover the Reasons Behind Your Child’s School Performance and How to Help 

Fri. Feb. 23, 10:00-11:30 am

Consider how to find out more about the Why? and learn how to help your child move forward.



Raising A Kid Who Can –- Book Talk & Discussion

Fri. Feb. 23, 11:00 am-12:30 pm

One of the three authors will discuss this accessible guide to supporting kids’ social-emotional growth.



Cecily’s Advocacy Conference.  $25

Sat. Feb. 24, 8:15 am-12:30 pm, 8224 Lochinver Ln. Potomac MD

A keynote, two workshops and a panel discussion around the topic of tools for creating resilience and well-being.



National Museum of the United States Army's "At Ease" Program

Sat. Feb. 24, 4-6 pm,  

A hands-on special educational program and docent-led tours will be available.



ReelAbilities Short Films & Speakers on Mental Health

Sun. Feb. 25, 3 pm, 2100 Westmoreland St. Falls Church

Two films and a panel on bipolar disorder and keeping people with mental illness out of prison.   

$ varies



Talk Saves Lives:  An Introduction to Suicide Prevention

Sun. Feb. 25, 4-5 pm

Suicide can be prevented. Learn how by recognizing common risk factors and warning signs, and learn how to respond. 



West Potomac Academy Open House

Wed. Feb. 28, 6-8 pm, WPHS 6500 Quander Rd. Alexandria

Learn about career and technical education classes in Army JROTC, criminal justice, dance, early childhood, health sciences, marketing, music tech, and TV production.



Let’s Talk about Talking: How Families Can Nurture and Support Communication Skills

Wed. Feb. 28, 7-8 pm

Learn about the development of children’s communication skills and related behavior challenges.



FBA/BIP Essentials for Families

Thu. Feb. 29, 6:00-7:30 pm OR Mar. 1, 10:00-11:30 am

Learn how Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans can help kids with behavior challenges.




College Partnership Program — For HS Students

This program prepares students with disabilities and other underrepresented groups to enroll and succeed in college. Contact the student’s HS Counselor or Lakeyta Smith at 571-423-4413


Get Ready for Independent Living — for students in grades 8-12

This 4-part course uses videos and practical activities to develop knowledge and skills for independent living.



Get Ready for College — for students in grades 8 -12

This 8-lesson course uses videos and practical activities to help students get ready for college.



Sensory Rooms at Fairfax County Community Centers

These calming and relaxing rooms provide interactive ways to promote physical and intellectual development.



Lorton Community Center Sensory Room Schedule


Sully Community Center Sensory Room Schedule:


Jim Scott (Providence) Community Center Sensory Room Schedule


ADHD @ School: Top 10 Hurdles to Learning with ADHD (free self-guided course)

This 10-part self-guided course equips caregivers and students with effective solutions to the specific academic and behavioral challenges associated with ADHD 



The Arc@School Advocacy Curriculum    $99 for 6 months

Build your special education knowledge, know the law, and learn to advocate for the services your child needs.  Scholarship:



Dyslexia & the IEP: How to Make Sure the IEP Is in Tip-Top Shape

24/7 Access:


NAMI Basics

This 6-session course is for adults who provide care for youth (ages 22 and younger) who are experiencing mental health symptoms (including ADHD and ASD).



Children’s Challenging Behaviors

This 6-hour workshop focuses on children’s challenging behaviors, mental health conditions, special education, and advocacy skills. 



Broad Futures Paid Internship Programs 

Winter 13 weeks  Summer 9 weeks

Program designed for neurodivergent high school graduates or rising seniors who are planning on college.  

$$ varies; Scholarships available.



Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Training

Learn about special education law, rights and responsibilities; tests to measure progress and regression; SMART IEPs; and strategies for effective advocacy.  $50-$90



Advanced Training in Collaborative & Proactive Solutions   

Participants will learn how to use the ALSUP assessment and how to solve problems collaboratively.   $149



Get Ready for College:  A Resource for Teens with Disabilities

Online, Self-Paced 8 Class Course from VCU

This course for high school students with disabilities focuses on preparation for college, selection of a college for best fit, and the disability services process.



Access to Success — Online Self-Paced 8-class Course for Students with Disabilities

High school and college students can learn about their disability rights and how to obtain accommodations in college. Use the mp3 files for audio.



The Parent Playbook — 9 Module Online Course on Autism

From the VCU Autism Center for Excellence & Virginia Autism Council. An introduction on Autism Spectrum Disorder for families, including tips for caregivers, characteristics, interventions and recommended programs and services.



Two 9-1-1 Pre-Notification Programs Are Now Available

Both allow prior registration so that first responders will be aware of the special needs of individuals at the scene.


Fairfax County Emergency Health Profiles

Ongoing medical and behavioral health conditions can be included, along with emergency contact information.


Fairfax County Community Connect

The special needs of individuals, and information about pets and your residence can be included with emergency contacts.

All these support groups are open to newcomers, and they are free, except where noted.  No diagnosis is required to participate. Participants are typically given an opportunity to share their story, experience support, and glean guidance (as desired) from group members regarding both community and school resources. Confidentiality is to be respected.


Support Groups for Youth


ASNV Autism Social Group for high school students and young adults meets on the 1st Saturday monthly noon-1 pm. 

Contact Nicci Dowd:

Join meeting via Zoom: 

Meeting ID: 946 600 1682


ASNV Teen Time for youth, age 13-19 with ASD, meets one Saturday monthly, in-person 1-2 pm at 10467 White Granite Dr. Oakton.



Escape Room Book Club (with hybrid-media) for neurodiverse teens, ages 12-18, to connect with their peers, meets monthly on the 4th Thu. At 4:30 pm at Brambleton Library, Brambleton.  Contact: for current books 571-258-3998


Heads Up and Talk It Out Teen and Parent Recovery Groups

These are concurrent virtual groups for teens (ages 14-17) who are working through emotional, mental health or substance use challenges and their parents every Thursday 6-7 pm. 



NAMI Young Adult Connection Recovery Support Group is for individuals age 18-36 who have experienced symptoms of a mental health condition. Trained young adults, who are in recovery, lead the group on the 3rd Tuesday monthly, 7:30-9:00 pm.



People First for Young Adults is a social and self-advocacy group for youth with disabilities ages 14-26.  It meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday, 6:30-8:00 pm. 



Stronger Together is a peer support group, facilitated by professional clinicians, for youth ages 14-22.  Meeting in Fairfax City, weekly on Tuesdays,  Jan. 23 to Mar. 12, 6:30-8:00 pm, the group focuses on building skills in interpersonal effectiveness, self-determination, and self-efficacy.  Light dinner served. Weekly attendance expected.a 



Youth Empowerment Transition Council, for youth with disabilities ages 14-22, meets on the 2nd Monday of the month to advise PEATC and build advocacy and leadership skills. 


All these support groups are open to newcomers, and they are free, except where noted.  No diagnosis is required to participate. Participants are typically given an opportunity to share their story, experience support, and glean guidance (as desired) from group members regarding both community and school resources. Confidentiality is to be respected.


Support Groups for Parents


AAC Parent Group meets occasionally on Saturdays. 

Contact:  Amanda or 703-941-7757 ext. 316


African American Culturally Focused Virtual Parent Café meets Thursdays, 6:00-7:30 pm. 

Register at least 24 hours in advance by email or 703-324-7720 


Alpha Moms  This support group for adoptive parents meets monthly in McLean.  Contact:


Arlington Epilepsy Support Group, a list-serve, can be accessed at


Autism Dads meets one evening monthly. 

Contact: George Buzby at 571-419-1257 or


Autism F.I.R.S.T. Family Support Group meets monthly on Wednesdays, 9:30-11:00 am at 131 Elden St. #302, Herndon. 



Autism Society of NoVA Parents and Caregivers meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, 7-8 pm via Zoom.

Meeting ID: 946 600 1682; One tap mobile (301) 715-8592


Business Networking Event for Special Needs Parents

Alternate Fridays, May 29 and following, 9:00-10:30 am Via Zoom.  Connect with fellow special needs parents and business owners, build your referral network, and share best practices.  Contact: 


CHADD: Children & Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

West Fairfax/Burke CHADD Parent Support Group  1st & 3rd Thur. of each month at 8:00 pm

Contact: Cathy  


CSB Family Support Group at Gatlan Center  2nd and 4th Wed. of each month 6:00-7:30 pm via Zoom

Contact: or call 703-799-2882.


D.A.D.S.  Dads Appreciating Down Syndrome 3rd Tue. each month, 7-9 pm via Zoom. 

Contact: George or call 703- 545-6089.


Dr. Dan’s Support Group for Parents Raising Challenging Children meets via Zoom on Mondays, 1-2 pm



Embark in the DC Metro Parent Support Group is for parents of children and youth with mental health challenges.  It meets virtually on alternate Thursdays, noon-1 pm. 



Fairfax Juvenile Court Parent Support for problems including runaway behavior, truancy, alcohol/drug abuse, and serious behavioral problems at home, at school, or in the community.

Sign up for a phone consultation at


Fairfax Kinship Support Group meets virtually on the 1st Thursday monthly at 6:30-8:00 pm. An in-person group meets on the 3rd Thursday monthly at Fairfax County Community Centers at 6:15-8:00 pm. Dinner and childcare are provided. 



Formed Families Together meets monthly as peer support groups for adoptive, kinship, and foster caregivers and parents.

A Virtual support group meets the 1st Sunday evening monthly.

An In-Person support group meets the 3rd Wednesday evening monthly.



Foster the Family Support Group for foster and adoptive moms meets the 3rd Monday of each month, 6:30-8:00 pm in Falls Church. Childcare is provided.



Heads Up and Talk It Out - Teen and Parent Recovery Groups

These are concurrent virtual groups for teens (ages 14-17) who are working through emotional, mental health, or substance use challenges and their parents every Thursday 6-7 pm. 



Infinity ABA Parent Connect, for families with a child with autism, meets online on the 2nd Thursday monthly at 7:00-8:30 pm.  Guest speakers, discussions, and resources. Register:


Kinship Café meets online 6:30-8:00 pm the 3rd Thursday of the month for those raising the children of relatives and friends.

To attend, call 703-324-7720 or email


Let's Talk Transitions meets monthly on the 4th Wednesday at 7 pm to discuss their autistic teen's post-high school plans.



Military Families Support Group meets on the 2nd Tuesday monthly at 7-8 pm for military families of all disabled dependents. 

Access: or

Email for details 


NAMI:  National Alliance on Mental Illness builds better lives for affected families.  Arlington Parent Support Group meets two Sundays a month at 7:00-8:30 pm.  Contact: Michelle Best  Currently on break. Restarts in Sept.


NAMI Connection Support Group for Young Adults

(18-36) meets on the 3rd Tuesday monthly, 7:30-9:00 pm 

Email to register:


NAMI Family Support Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays on Zoom for parents of children living with mental health challenges including ADHD, ASD, etc. 



NAMI Parent & Caregiver Support Group meets on the 4th Thursday monthly.

Contact or call 804-285-1749 


NOVA Adopt Friends Parent Peer Support Group for adoptive parents meets on the 3rd Thursdays monthly 6:00-7:30 pm.



OCD Family Support Group meets the 1st Mon. of each month, 7:30 pm. 

Contact: or call 202-215-5859


Parents of Autistic Children (POAC-NOVA) Support Group meets in-person the 1st Saturday monthly at 10:00-11:30 am, 6121 Franconia Rd. Alexandria.

RSVP to 


Parents of Autistic Teens meets some Sat. of each month. 

Contact: Maria Dubuc 703-970-3676 or


People of the Global Majority is a discussion group for BIPOC parents of children with autism. They meet virtually on the 1st Monday monthly at 7:00-7:45 pm. 



REACH Parent Support Group meets monthly to support parents of individuals with developmental disabilities who also have mental health or behavioral issues. 

Contact: Dr. Pourmand


Transition Parent Support Group is for families whose youth will be aging out (or have aged out) of school. Parents meet on Saturdays, 10 am-noon at 3060 Williams Dr. #300, Fairfax.



Virginia Family Network Book Club for parents and caregivers of children living with mental health challenges meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 7 pm.

Contact Nicole Anjum at


Virginia Family Network Coffee Chat and Self-Care meets monthly on the 3rd Thurs. 9:00-10:30 am to connect and to discuss self-care journeys.

Contact Nicole Anjum at 


Virginia Family Network Parent Meetup is on the 1st and 3rd Fridays at 8 pm for parents/caregivers of children with mental health challenges.

Contact Nicole Anjum at

Grupos de Apoyo para Padres en Español

Cafés Virtuales Para Padres: Miércoles de 7:00-8:30 pm. Regístrese con al menos 24 horas de anticipación: or call 703-324-7720 

Grupo de educación y apoyo a padres en española se reúne el cuarto sábado de cada mes, de 10 a 11 am en Zoom en

ID de reunión: 946 600 1682


El Grupo de apoyo ASNV para padres y cuidadores en español se reúne el segundo sábado de cada mes de 1 a 2 pm en ServiceSource, 10467 White Granite Dr. Oakton. Estacione en la parte de atrás. Para obtener más información, envíe un correo electrónico a


Grupo de apoyo para madres de habla hispana de niños con autismo se reúne mensualmente en línea y está patrocinado por Johns Hopkins Medical Center.   Contacto:


Hablemos educación especial es un grupo de discusión de padres de habla hispana y de un estudiante autista. Se reúnen virtualmente el primer miércoles de cada mes de 7:00-7:45 pm  Registrarse: