2024 Shannon Tully PTSA Scholarship


The Shannon Tully PTSA Scholarship is a one-time, $1000 award for graduating seniors. It is paid directly to the post-secondary institution where the recipient has been accepted.


To be eligible, graduating seniors:

•    Must have been a SLHS student for at least 2 years, and
•    Must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, and
•    Must be accepted to a degree or certification program at an accredited junior or community college, technical institute, or four-year college or university.


2024 scholarship applications are due by 3pm on Thursday, May 2nd


Recipients will be announced at the Senior Awards Ceremony (late May/early June exact date TBD)


To submit an application:

  1. Complete the online application (👇 link below 👇)

  2. Provide the Recommendation Form to a member of the SLHS community (teacher, staff, coach, etc.). Their recommendation will be sent directly to the PTSA Scholarship Committee. (👇 link below ðŸ‘‡)

  3. Submit application and all required documents by 3pm on Thursday, May 2nd

Questions? Email Scholarships@southlakesptsa.org or contact any officer of the PTSA.



PTSA Scholarship Online Application Form


PTSA Scholarship Recommendation Form (share link with Recommender)


*Prefer a paper form? Download here or pick up a copy in Ms. Luongo's Office: 

PTSA Scholarship Paper Application


Donations and Fundraising Makes Scholarships Possible

When you donate to the PTSA, we use the money to fund whichever project needs more money to accomplish it. 

However, many people like to support a specific cause. So, if you'd like to specifically donate to Teacher Mini-Grants and Student Scholarships, that's what your money will be allocated for.  

Thank you, in advance, for your contribution. It makes a difference for the staff and students at South Lakes High School.